Friday, February 17, 2012

Good touch or...

Thematically this post is quite similar to another I recently posted but is stunningly unrelated.

I was reminded last night about how blinkered I can get when I want something. In this case, a bloody Kindle.

There I was all kitted up in my running gear. I'd just finished up the nights muscley wuscley exercises and was stretching out my hairy man calves when the computer caught my eye.

What was intended to be 2 minutes of checking prices quickly shot up by a factor of 60. Spurred on by user reviews I began comparing different models, their size and weight, aesthetic tastes, touch screen vs buttons, does the bezel taste like fig jam or a plastic compound of indeterminate origin.

If there was an answer to be found, damn it, I was going to find it!

The result of this amazing waste of my time? I am yet to make a decision. As with all things I want, I've become paralysed with indecision by over thinking an extremely straight forward issue.

As ever, if I discover a way to turn my brain down from 11 and kick instinct into overdrive that doesn't involve alcohol... well. That could be an interesting day.

And wearing running gear while surfing the web? Let's just say the internet will never get so fast to make that seem "OK"

- Sevy

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